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/int/ - International (1 reader)

>he doesn't know what "Bronnen" means

Bronnen will be shutting down!

The board has been dead for years.

Please try the successor boards - Mintboard and Staffas.

In a few months, Bronnen will automatically redirect to mintboard.org.

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Finland Friday stresi removal the finnish virgin Lahti, Etela-Pohjanmaa  No.3080064 +1 [Reply]

remember to stay hydrated

Germany the german tranny Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080069 +2 


United States the american bug chaser Snellville, Georgia  No.3080080 +1 


Germany Eschborn, Hessen  No.3080083 +3 

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United States the american genious El Segundo, California  No.3080089 +1 

Why is it yellow?_?

Finland Friday stresi removal the finnish elagabalus Espoo, Uusimaa  No.3080090 

Sign of dehydration.

Italy the italian alex jones Milan, Lombardia  No.3077067 +1 [Reply]

why bronnen only 1 page
10 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

Italy the italian minimum wage Milan, Lombardia  No.3077183 +1 

i already had the second i wrote that post
you're invited back any time too ;)

United States the american bhenchod Southaven, Mississippi  No.3077185 +1 

nah i'm good :)

Germany phonecucked and owned Eschborn, Hessen  No.3080020 

how is this

on the frontpage

Italy the italian whiny emo faggot Milan, Lombardia  No.3080061 


Germany Eschborn, Hessen  No.3080082 

that'll be 50 bronncoins
PLUS tip

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United Kingdom the british mudžahid Brighton, England  No.3079969 +1 [Reply]


Germany Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein  No.3079975 


猫?? (嗅)

United Kingdom the british glaceon Brighton, England  No.3079989 +6 


shut thef uck up

Finland Friday stresi removal the finnish pissbottle drinker Lahti, Etela-Pohjanmaa  No.3079997 

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Germany the german ntgger Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080037 

wh@ does th@ mean

United Kingdom the british women worshipper Brighton, England  No.3080075 +3 

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Germany the german scaly Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080073 [Reply]

afk taking a short nap

Turkey Friday stresi removal the turkish unkel Istanbul, Istanbul  No.3080074 

keep us updated

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Germany the german einor hugji Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080072 [Reply]


Germany the german vagiworshipper Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080039 +2 [Reply]

wtf just realised i cant uptää and dont have notifications brb restart
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Germany Eschborn, Hessen  No.3080051 

hol halt bronnen gold ™

Germany the german mod Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080052 

United States the american krautchanner Peachtree City, Georgia  No.3080054 

Why is SCC talking to himself

Germany Eschborn, Hessen  No.3080055 

Germany the german hussy Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080071 

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still no uptääability maybe ive some weird adblocker installed that i forgot about

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Brazil Lori Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo  No.3080056 +4 [Reply]

when grandma moving out and you ask patrick if he can help move couch downstairs but he floors grandma with a punch and proceeds to flash genitals

United States Treat Boy Olivette, Missouri  No.3080057 

that patrick..

United States the american pizza boy Southaven, Mississippi  No.3080059 

that boy ain't right, i tell you hwat

Germany the german brother Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080070 

whose patrick schizo

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Germany the german beefer Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080053 +2 [Reply]

good night wiggas

Germany the german adnan Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080031 [Reply]

2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

Germany the german scaly Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080036 

Germany Eschborn, Hessen  No.3080043 

Germany the german witzig junge Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080045 

kannst du auftään

Germany Eschborn, Hessen  No.3080047 

du nicht?

Germany the german never haver Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080049 

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Spain PenisPoster Madrid, Madrid, Comunidad de  No.3080002 [Reply]

Germany the german kirinorway Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080028 

which is more cool nomine or anime

Germany Eschborn, Hessen  No.3080038 

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United States the american inflation fetishist Princeton, New Jersey  No.3079898 [Reply]

1 reader
nice board

Germany the german kcbitchboi Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080024 

do u think we should revive it

Germany the german tranny Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080023 +2 [Reply]

had a giant hedgehog in garden (but didnt take picture)

Turkey Friday stresi removal the turkish tranny Bursa, Bursa  No.3079924 [Reply]

whore removal
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Argentina the argentine bsr Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires  No.3080004 

wife removal

Denmark pomfritteren Lynge, Hovedstaden  No.3080009 +1 

women are better than us for they are the dna of the soul

Germany the german chino Berlin, Berlin  No.3080013 

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United Kingdom Pika Girl in the Poké World Manchester, England  No.3080015 

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Germany phonecucked and owned Eschborn, Hessen  No.3080019 

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i want to put my dna on the dna of the soul

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Norway the norwegian unkler Orkanger, Sor-Trondelag  No.3079945 +2 [Reply]

I'm a 21 year old male loser who has no friends and is a virgin
7 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

Slovenia the slovene livebunkerer Vrhnika, Vrhnika  No.3079958 +1 


Finland Friday stresi removal the finnish gayboy Lahti, Etela-Pohjanmaa  No.3079977 


United Kingdom Pika Girl in the Poké World Manchester, England  No.3079978 +1 


Sweden the swedish lola Stockholm, Stockholms lan  No.3079979 +5 


do you need help fixing that last part? border is open again…. ;))

Germany phonecucked and owned Eschborn, Hessen  No.3080018 +1 


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Canada pard licker Toronto, Ontario  No.3079964 +2 [Reply]

r*y visited my apartment
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

United States the american curitiba Snellville, Georgia  No.3079973 +1 

Germany the german bulge noticer Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3079984 

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butt u live here

United States the american unkler Mount Laurel, New Jersey  No.3079987 +6 

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Norway the norwegian christcuck Orkanger, Sor-Trondelag  No.3079990 +2 

you've had sex before so it's ok

Albania the albanian bronze gentleman Tirana, Tirane  No.3079995 

that's clearly a motel u retarded schizo furry

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