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/int/ - International (1 reader)

>he doesn't know what "Bronnen" means

Bronnen will be shutting down!

The board has been dead for years.

Please try the successor boards - Mintboard and Staffas.

In a few months, Bronnen will automatically redirect to mintboard.org.

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Brazil classic putin Brasilia, Distrito Federal  No.3080252 +1 [Reply]

United States the american anime pro Mount Laurel, New Jersey  No.3080263 +3 

lgbt good
fascists bad

Brazil classic putin Brasilia, Distrito Federal  No.3080264 +3 

shut up random american

United States the american einor hugji Mount Laurel, New Jersey  No.3080265 +2 

File: 1596863430230.png (196.41 KB, 2820x1120, classic putin.png) ImgOps Google

Brazil classic putin Brasilia, Distrito Federal  No.3080267 

that pic is so 2018

File: 1596664710267.jpg (367.5 KB, 2095x1631, __idw_girls_frontline_draw….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Finland the finnish radan Espoo, Uusimaa  No.3080138 +4 [Reply]

sometimes i like my own posts to get the ball rolling
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.

Germany the german el Berlin, Berlin  No.3080148 

reddit finn

Germany the german anónimus Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080150 

still cant upvote and no notifications i think mayhaps firefox had a update

Finland the finnish cal Helsinki, Uusimaa  No.3080194 

File: 1596756722858.jpg (302.13 KB, 657x900, 128064119534e_U18chan.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

it's a bit too much

Finland the finnish alex jones Helsinki, Uusimaa  No.3080196 

File: 1596759361105.jpg (61.83 KB, 880x597, ArizonaMornWood_jpg.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

if you want it done too large you have to go gideon

United States the american dungeon master Mount Laurel, New Jersey  No.3080266 

solomon carter

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Indonesia the indonesian modi chaiwala Jakarta, Jakarta Raya  No.3080217 [Reply]

Big list of imageboards easily sortable



Germany the german idiot retard Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080218 

wow cool

Germany Luebeck, Schleswig-Holstein  No.3080219 

cool wow

Germany the german fat fuck Kirchenlaibach, Bayern  No.3080222 

I just found a really cool board from there. Merorin. Check it out guys, and I'm not the mero administrator, if that's what you are thinking

Germany the german anime pro Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080226 

kirchenlaibach mehr wie arschenarscharsch

United States the american hussy Mount Laurel, New Jersey  No.3080261 

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File: 1596825064157-0.jpg (117.79 KB, 960x720, 55316f4455e378628522e51651….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

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Germany the german anus Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080236 +1 [Reply]

hog stole a wiggas laptop (krautchan crosspost)

United States the american rex's owner Mount Laurel, New Jersey  No.3080260 +1 


File: 1596830903363.gif (117.43 KB, 120x160, mint.gif) ImgOps Google

Brazil the brazilian unkler Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo  No.3080244 +2 [Reply]

Brazil the brazilian spscarter Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo  No.3080245 

File: 1596830983197.gif (596.45 KB, 250x173, mint dança.gif) ImgOps Google

< flood detected; post discarted

Germany the german only 96 Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080251 

looks like the thing in lemmings

Brazil the brazilian 8channer Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo  No.3080255 +1 

File: 1596841161119-0.png (84.46 KB, 250x250, Screenshot_20200612-090502….png) ImgOps Google

File: 1596841161119-1.png (542.65 KB, 1080x799, essa.png) ImgOps Google

United States the american tranny lover Fort Collins, Colorado  No.3080256 

File: 1596850579005.png (1.49 MB, 1424x1072, vlcsnap-2020-01-19-16h52m1….png) ImgOps Google

File: 1595686261734.png (1.61 MB, 1099x1083, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps Google

United Kingdom the british hewat Brighton, England  No.3079617 +2 [Reply]

me and your wive's

Spain the spanish lola Ciudad Rodrigo, Castilla y Leon  No.3079619 +1 

File: 1595692999244.mp4 (679.37 KB, 720x720, love is black.mp4) ImgOps Google

United Kingdom the british kiribati Brighton, England  No.3080253 +1 

File: 1596837151170.png (1.61 MB, 1099x1083, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps Google

still got her not lettin go

File: 1596832191877.png (276.27 KB, 500x405, listen_here.png) ImgOps Google

Finland the finnish kirinorway Espoo, Uusimaa  No.3080246 [Reply]

United Kingdom Pika Girl in the Poké World Manchester, England  No.3080249 


Germany the german shemale Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080250 


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United Kingdom Pika Girl in the Poké World Manchester, England  No.3080225 +2 [Reply]

Germany the german bsr Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080229 

jack which shoes do you wear

United Kingdom Pika Girl in the Poké World Manchester, England  No.3080248 

big ol ladies high heels

Germany the german shemale Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080213 [Reply]

do u even elevator

Porkistan ANUSOID Melbourne, Ostrobothnia  No.3080199 [Reply]

Father forgive me for I have committed a misogynoir

Germany the german modi chaiwala Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080208 

it is wrong to be french

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United States What next, Bronnen the american masturbati Petaluma, California  No.3080198 +1 [Reply]

Jack, knowing that the men who wanted to kill him are well right behind him, urgently climbs aboard a bus who takes him to the town of Salem, Oregon. This is where the someone told him where exactly his uncle lived and worked. Jack might be able to find what happened to his immediate family through his uncle, if he manages to find him.
If he's lucky, he might find out what happened to the men who got him in the hospital.
If he's unlucky, he might find out what happened to him…
Jack finally finds his uncle, Roy, who lives in a shoddy apartment on the outskirts of Salem. Jack checks to see if the men, his enemies, aren't following him and they aren't. Jack knocks the door of his uncle's residence to see if his uncle is there.
His uncle answers the door, and immediately Jack knows he doesn't recognize him. He's older now, he has wrinkles on his face, a mustache and goatee, and he's obese.

> You asks Roy, "Uncle Roy, it's me Jack.. Do you remember me?"

"Jesus, it's you! Jack, come in, come in!" His uncle says. "I can't believe it's you! Jesus Christ, it's good to see you!"

Germany the german edgemaster Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080201 +1 

tl;dr go to reddit reddit has words

United States the american roy Peachtree City, Georgia  No.3080204 

this is reddit

Porkistan ANUSOID Melbourne, Ostrobothnia  No.3080191 [Reply]

Brother can you spare a T cell?

Germany the german mongol Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080117 +3 [Reply]

beirut more like goodbyerut

Germany Hamburg, Hamburg  No.3080121 

owned and btfo

United States blurst of times Bellingham, Washington  No.3080170 +1 

more like michael bayrut

Germany Luebeck, Schleswig-Holstein  No.3080186 

that was a sexy lookin explosion btw

United States the american naked wtf Milwaukee, Wisconsin  No.3080178 [Reply]

Germany the german horse rapist Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080179 

that was neither based nor cringe

United States the american cbronnenite Milwaukee, Wisconsin  No.3080180 

how was it not based?

Germany the german pepe garrison Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080181 

idk man i just didnt feel it

United States the american funny cat Milwaukee, Wisconsin  No.3080182 

fuck you

Germany the german hotshot Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080183 

United States the american kiribati Peachtree City, Georgia  No.3080142 +1 [Reply]


United States chubbo pupi rater Anchorage, Alaska  No.3080143 

I'm back

Germany the german thirster Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080151 

United States the american normalfag Peachtree City, Georgia  No.3080176 

How's it going

Germany the german speedrunner Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080177 

could be better im tired as shit

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