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/meta/ - Metawhining (1 reader)


Bronnen will be shutting down!

The board has been dead for years.

Please try the successor boards - Mintboard and Staffas.

In a few months, Bronnen will automatically redirect to mintboard.org.

Australia RAP Mount Waverley, Victoria  No.608 +3 [Reply]

Add Hastags # and Mentions @ please the Bronnen.net

Australia RAP Clayton, Victoria  No.629 


Australia RAP Clayton, Victoria  No.627 [Reply]

when you have 88 boatnens you can buy a sad! pill
it doesn't do anything but it gives a word filter: everytime you use an alt shite word it turns into sad! drumpf! or horsecock

Australia RAP Clayton, Victoria  No.625 [Reply]

change the name upvote to boatnen please

United States random american poster Silver Spring, Maryland  No.623 [Reply]

Change my name to "Futa Lover" or something denegerate

United Kingdom Anarchist Cat Owner Cowdenbeath, Fife  No.624 +1 

There's a name field you know…

Germany Hamburg, Hamburg  No.622 +1 [Reply]

Make it so notifications are shown on the home page as well.

United Kingdom random british poster  No.617 +1 [Reply]

petition to bulldoze this website

File: 1504548681192.png (25.95 KB, 300x100, plad sports banner.png) ImgOps Google

United States please make /sp/ random american poster San Francisco, California  No.520 +7 [Reply]

Endchan is fucking up and this place looks deranged enough to contain us
61 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Belarus Borisov, Minsk  No.588 

leaf mentioned

Belarus Borisov, Minsk  No.589 +2 

since when mr. horsecock wrangler is in charge here?

Israel Fake Merchant Bat Yam, Tel Aviv  No.594 +1 

Sweden random swedish poster Haegersten, Stockholm  No.595 

moot add /pol/

United States random american poster  No.615 +1 

wew thanks!

United States cretinous manbaby Washington  No.603 [Reply]

why are my blatant vaginigger worship threads being deleted?

United States random american poster Indialantic, Florida  No.604 

roy reports your threads when they bump his threads off the front page

United Kingdom random british poster  No.605 

deleting threads like that is very good, thanks mods

Brazil Ijui, Rio Grande do Sul  No.606 +2 

I think having you permabanned would be for the best

File: 1504124830115.gif (1.13 MB, 540x540, chubby.gif) ImgOps Google

Republic of Lithuania random lithuanian poster (massive cuckold spotted) Kaunas, Kaunas  No.512 +4 [Reply]


Germany random german poster Munich, Bavaria  No.513 


Japan ANUSOID  No.597 


United States random american poster Brooklyn, New York  No.454 +2 [Reply]

>when u try 2 ban someone but can't
must be frustrating

United States random american poster Chicago, Illinois  No.456 

>when ur such an assburger that u can't ignore posts u don't like or even just use the hide button and instead you beg to be a free volunteer moderator just so u can delete posts that bother u

going thru life with blinders on, no wonder roy likes u

United States random american poster  No.514 [Reply]

could the board be improved by adding a laugh track?

Germany Hamburg, Hamburg  No.492 [Reply]


Australia RAP Garden City, Victoria  No.509 

Hi hihihihi

United Kingdom random british poster  No.506 [Reply]

why my geocock come back when i reset router but den after some times it go

United Kingdom random british poster  No.507 

why my location man bilong nambis stret long taim when i reset router bamim then after it leaves

Australia RAP Garden City, Victoria  No.508 

Why Roy report

Finland joonas Helsinki, Uusimaa  No.491 [Reply]

i want to abuse power and ban people arbitrarily

United Kingdom random british poster  No.498 +2 

mod this man

United Kingdom random british poster  No.499 

also mod me i would do the same id even ban this guy for daring to run against me as a potential mod candidate

Sweden random swedish poster Haegersten, Stockholm  No.494 +1 [Reply]

drumpf was elected on nov 9 (09.11)
drumpf was inaugurated on jan 20 (20.01)

drumpf = 09/11/2001

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