whats wrong with me? lmao an unemployed destitute overweight mendicant high school dropout minimum wage part time pizza delivery driver doesn't approve of my lifestyle, how awful.
i wonder if roy is so fat the he take the electric cart on pizza deliveries and rides it to the delivery location after parking his mom's minivan w/ retard/fatso ramp on the side for dangerously obese crippled fuckups.
>oh no, someone posted something i don't like!R E P O R T E D
>if u don't delete all posts i don't like and ban everyone i tell u to then i leave forever>i'm gonna run away and you can stop me!>REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEElmao i'd hate to see what happens is someone takes roy's xbox, he'd freeze to death fast for sure, then we'd really be sorry
part time high school dropout pizza delivery minimum wage horsecock @stables posing with guns in the bathroom mirror fire red from unpaid internship meth smoking weed addict banned from utah kc poster my mom pays my rent for me gamer fatso fifty year old less successful than homosexual younger brother firehouse equine medical technician horsecock circumcision professional meme rabbi
well, well, well
what do we have here?
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