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/test/ - Testing Board ( readers)


Bronnen will be shutting down!

The board has been dead for years.

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United States I Wish I Was In Dixie Asheboro, North Carolina  No.794 [Reply]

women are so fucking dumb and annoying

United States I Wish I Was In Dixie Asheboro, North Carolina  No.795 

>going into aldi
>woman pushing her cart in, i have a quarter in my hand
>say "excuse me" to get her attention
>she slightly tilts her head like she wanted to look back but doesn't
>walk up next to her and offer her the quarter for the cart
>she acts like a retard and takes it like this isn't something people do all the time
i think women unironically enjoy doing things less efficiently

United States I Wish I Was In Dixie Asheboro, North Carolina  No.796 

and if she thought i looked creepy or something good fuck women regardless

Finland random finnish poster Salo, Southwest Finland  No.803 

good thread

t. thread rater

Sweden random swedish poster Enkoping, Uppsala  No.804 

let's raid the /int/ggers bros

Turkey random turkish poster Istanbul, Istanbul  No.1291 [Reply]


if you were killed tomorrow. i hardly think i could attend your funeral ceromony due to the fact that i would probably be arrested due to committing homicide to your murderer.
here is a representative ascii art of the gun i would probably be using :


<`"8oooooooooooooooooooooooooo""""" """"""""""
>.88888888888.`::: 8
<88888888888Yo `` * 8
>.88888888888 `oooooooood8o

we are true best friends.
we do things together.
we die together(except the hypothetical case of you getting killed and me getting in jail as in this case)

Russia seine wheelb Moscow, Moscow  No.1304 


File: 1510473257396.jpg (15.34 KB, 276x207, 31.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Finland ghettolord Salo, Southwest Finland  No.1301 [Reply]

Israel Fake Merchant Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv  No.1285 [Reply]


Israel Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv  No.1287 

Israel Fake Merchant Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv  No.1288 

Argentina random argentinean poster  No.1286 [Reply]


Israel Fake Merchant Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv  No.1283 [Reply]


United States random american poster Hyattsville, Maryland  No.1279 [Reply]


Brazil  No.1278 [Reply]


Germany (massive cuckold spotted) Hamburg, Hamburg  No.1277 [Reply]




Canada random canadian poster Brechin, Ontario  No.1271 [Reply]


Canada leader of the incel-right Pefferlaw, Ontario  No.1275 

meet me

File: 1509948605879.jpg (35.09 KB, 800x600, where do i pay t roy.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Portugal random portuguese poster  No.1274 +1 [Reply]

Finland finnish zinger Vaasa, Ostrobothnia  No.1273 [Reply]

Bad manner diner
Driver witjout licwnse

File: 1509603943538.png (166.91 KB, 884x1024, Raahe.vaakuna.svg.png) ImgOps Google

United States Storm Hollywood, Florida  No.1268 +1 [Reply]

The asteroid 1786 Raahe was named after this town and municipality.

United States random american poster Wayne, Pennsylvania  No.1269 

roy: while i enjoy the subtle, tantalizing hint of sheathed horsecock in op pic, why does the town crest have a pile of horse shit in the middle of it?

United States Storm Hollywood, Florida  No.1272 

that is not horse shit, it is knight shit

sorry for confusion

Australia Brunswick East, Victoria  No.1254 [Reply]


Brazil  No.1242 [Reply]

1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

United States random american poster Minneapolis, Minnesota  No.1244 +1 

File: 1509060494125.gif (297.01 KB, 323x323, lola.gif) ImgOps Google

United States random american poster Minneapolis, Minnesota  No.1245 +1 

File: 1509060766975.gif (1.84 MB, 323x251, lola.gif) ImgOps Google

United States Storm Hollywood, Florida  No.1251 +1 

posting in a lori thread

Brazil  No.1255 


Brazil  No.1263 


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